- Backend-solve uid/gid selection, quota set, extra groups adding - common.pm:701 - chown needs to be shell command so that it can sudo What happens if equal_ids is yes, you create new user, and no gid in first/last gid range is available so it defaults to gid == uid, and that gid is taken by something else privremeno brekjat exit kodove dok se dief izvrsava, pogledat kako u njega dodat kod da primi. razlikovat die od greske i kad nema posla work on the idea that check is primary. then based on action and check result, either do nothing, execute "add" action, or execute "delete" action. add sighandler ono --system neka bude alias za --class service. A klasovi ce se mapirat na kerb i afs imena. see how to make each module accept module-specific args Replace %c with {varname}, so user can setup anything fill in ldap / krb /afs info from debconf in adduser manpage, document all names for options nakon sta cu unificirat une replacemente {varname} i %c, dodat da se mogu izvrsavat eval operacije.. recimo, kerberos_components_admin = s/(_admin)?$/\/admin/ according to beginning of DHOME, figure out what type is the directory. rules like DTYPE_/home/ = local, DTYPE_/afs/ = afs da pita password kad kreiras grupu.. po defaultu ask_passwd za to nek je 0, al da ga mos ukljucit. support for custom gecos info run local script from a common place. eventually split check/execute into check/setup/execute.. so that check() really has no purpose but making sure that the run will be smooth. In that case, we can turn off checks for mass useradds where we know we're starting with good parms and want to speed up the process.. switch to allow command-line setting of what backends to run. dal se -w PASS vidi u ps outputu? pisanje u module-specific namespace se nemoze overridat komandlajn opcijom eventualno opcija da uvijek ide u increment ID-a.. ako pobrises nekog usera da ne reusa njegov id proc po svim dief-ima i slicnima i vidit jel imaju exit status definiran gecos nije snimljen u pass file check that all config opts are present in cfg file as examples addgroup da podrzi sve opcije (sifra itd.) sta ima u /etc/group formatu handler da provjeri dal _check i _exec funckcije koje cemo mi zvat postoje unutar tog modula, i da exita ako ne postoje. (ako neko registrira modul da handla nesto sta nemoze, recimo afs da handla grupe).